Gerrymandering, Town Hall Tips & Writing Questions for the Brad Sherman Town Hall

August 9, 2017

For our August meeting, we were educated on gerrymandering, and planned our outside action of attending Congressman Brad Sherman’s Town Hall.

One of our members gave an informative presentation on gerrymandering, its history, and how it is used in voter suppression. It included watching the TED-Ed video on the topic, as well as a discussion on how gerrymandering began.

We then discussed tips for attending a town hall, including how to ask questions of the speaker and how to introduce yourself and talk about our group to other members in attendance. We also introduced our newly designed “agree/disagree” signs and encouraged those attending to wear our PAN t-shirts.

This led into a presentation about Congressman Sherman, himself, including his voting record and political history. Most notably, Congressman Sherman is on the Financial Services Committee and introduced an article of impeachment against President Trump.

Our action of the night was to brainstorm questions to ask at the town hall, using the tips provided and the details of Sherman’s political standings. Some examples of what the group came up with include:

  • How would House Foreign Affairs Committee respond to an act of aggression from North Korea? What is the plan of action in the event of an escalation?
  • How is Congress holding the Trump Administration accountable for implementing the ACA component of the law for marketing, outreach.
  • What plans does the House have to work in a bi-partisan manner to fix the ACA?
  • How does Congress plan to enforce the independence of the FCC and The Executive Branch in light of the appearance of influence by the Trump Administration?